Test of the Access Trax

Christelle Montreuil from Ideaux who is an expert in accessibility and inclusion, gave us the honor and pleasure of testing the Access Trax and sharing her impressions.

Her wealth of knowledge and her desire to make the world more accessible make her testimonial a valuable and encouraging insight about what the Access Trax can bring. 🙏🏻🙂


“I had the privilege of being the first to test a new inclusive product from Zero Limit’, my friend Gilles Roure!
That’s right! I had the pleasure of non-scientifically testing the Access Trax!

I loved it!

This accessory could well become an essential ally in promoting inclusion in your travels, whether at festivals, days at the beach, or simply to facilitate access to places previously difficult to reach.

The strengths of the Access Trax are undeniable:

  • its simple, efficient design
  • its ease of use
  • its ability to make getting around more pleasant and accessible make it a must-have for everyone
  • its lightness and sturdiness

My small point to watch would be the transitions between each tile. Although the Access Trax is designed to make moving around easier, it’s important to make sure that these transitions don’t become a small obstacle for your feet. By remaining vigilant and taking the necessary precautions, I believe you’ll be able to take full advantage of the benefits offered by this inclusive product!

I’ll leave you with a short video of me using the Access Trax with a wheelchair, to give you an idea of its practicality and commitment to inclusion.

Don’t miss out on this game-changing innovation in accessibility and inclusion!
Contact Gilles Roure to find out more about the Access Trax, and order yours in May.”

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