
Français: Deux personnes au loin randonnent sur la neige et devant un forêt de sapins. On les voit avancer, légèrement tournés vers la gauche. Elles sont habillées chaudement et portent des lunettes de soleil La personne à droite est sur un fauteuil roulant qui est sur un Lugicap Snow qui est une plateforme avec des skis. Le Lugicap Snow est tracté avec une corde par la personne qui est sur la gauche. Elle marche avec des raquettes et à l'aide de bâtons. English: Two people in the distance are hiking on the snow and in front of a spruce forest. We see them moving forward, slightly turned to the left. They are dressed warmly and wearing sunglasses. The person on the right is on a wheelchair who is on a Lugicap Snow which is a platform with skis. The Lugicap Snow is tracted with a rope by the person on the left who has snowshoes and poles


Would you like to be able to enjoy or share winter walks? The Lugicap Snow allows you to hike on the snow while staying in your own chair, with one or more accompanyists, on foot or snowshoes. The Snow is adjustable to adapt to the greatest number of 4-wheel chairs. But that’s not it… Thanks to […]

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Français: Un jeune homme pousse un autre jeune homme qui est sur un fauteuil roulant sur un Lugicap Ice Perf dans un arena English: A young man is pushing another young man who is on a wheelchair which is on a Lugicap Ice Perf, in an arena

Ice Perf

The Lugicap Ice Perf (previously known as Lugiglace) is a sled allowing ice skating on one’s own wheelchair, in partnership with an an accompanying person. It can be used in arenas as well as on frozen lakes or paths. The Lugicap Ice Perf is adjustable to adapt to a large variety of 4-wheel wheelchairs. It offers excellent performances both in terms of gliding and safety. REQUEST MORE INFORMATION ABOUT

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