Would you like to be able to enjoy the feeling of freedom of a real swim instead of staying at the water’s edge, at the beach or in the pool? It is possible thanks to the Sofao.
More and more swimming pools and municipal beaches are making Sofaos available to their visitors, so don’t hesitate to talk about it where you are going or would like to go. In addition, a ramp, a hoist or a mat is not even necessary to access the water!
By the way, if you live or are going to the Lanaudière region, and would like to take advantage of it or have others benefit from it, the city of Lavaltrie and the ARLPH of Lanaudiere have just announced the free availability of a Sofao for the ‘summer.
And if you don’t know the Sofao or would like to know more, don’t hesitate to go to the dedicated page or contact us.