Kiosque de Rando Québec avec une Joëlette présentée et des visiteurs / The Rando Quebec booth with a Joëlette and many visitors

A quite busy weekend

The spring’s arrival marked the events’ return, this weekend, with the Montreal Outdoor Adventure Show as well as another special event called “Adaptive sport: pleasure and health!” at the Sainte Justine Hospital.

Rando Québec which promotes hiking for all is involved in the inclusion of persons with a disability. That is why the hiking Federation is partner of the Joëlette which received a place of honor on its booth. Many visitors, with or without a disability, had the opportunity to discover and try it!

Besides, the Sainte Justine Hospital organized a day with conferences and an exhibit on the theme of adaptive sports and outdoor activities.
The inclusive cooperative BivouaQ, which organizes inclusive adventures, was there with a Joëlette and a Joëlette Kid.
The Goldie Equestrian Project center, which offers therapeutic riding services for children with special needs, was presenting the Hippolib.

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