Français: Une femme habillée en noir chevauche un cheval blanc dans un ranch dont les murs sont recouverts de bois. Un home se tient prêt d'elle au premier plan. English: A woman dressed in black is riding a white horse inside a ranch with wood covered walls. A ma is next to her on the foreground.

Girls’ vacations… and on a horse!

A new documentary series “Vacances entre filles” (Girls’ vacations) is about to start on AMI-télé.

We invite you to follow it, not only because it’s going to be a great series, but also because we’re very happy that the Hippolib allowed Ève Morissette to ride at the Ranch Kiméyan , which hosted the show for an episode.

We would also like to take this opportunity to send a huge thank-you to Maude and Marco for inviting us to the shooting!🙏🥰

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