Une personne, vue de 3/4 arrière, est en fauteuil roulant avec un Track Wheel sur un chemin de roche, au bord d'une rivière et devant une grande cascade

After the FreeWheel, the Track Wheel

Do you know the FreeWheel, that 3rd wheel that attaches to the front of a manual wheelchair to make it more versatile and off-road?
Well, we are pleased not only to continue offering the FreeWheel, but also to offer an alternative with the Track Wheel that is even easier to install.

So why offer both? Despite the greater versatility and ease of use of the Track Wheel, the FreeWheel remains more interesting in some cases.

Contact us to talk about your need, for a personal use, for making it available for loan or rental, … and we will see together which solution is the best for you!

In the meantime, if you would like to discover them both, check out the Products page.

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